
Sarcasm Detection on Twitter

October 2017 - Present

Implementation of a paper on Sarcasm Detection by Ashwin Rajadesingan. Dataset would be mined using Twitter API. Processing on the tweets for detecting sarcasm would be done in Python using nltk.

Voice Controlled Home Automation System

August 2017 - Present

Worked on the development of a prototype of a sophisticated home automation system. An Android app was developed to convert voice commands to text and the text was communicated to a micro-controller. An intent classifier would be developed which would recognize the task given by the user and corresponding APIs would be called to complete the task.

Code Report

Door Security Control System

April 2017 - May 2017

Interfaced and programmed an Intel 80x86 processor to develop a password based Door Security Control System using Assembly language. Prepared a simulation of the same using Proteus software to test functionalities like setting password, opening door in case of correct password and sounding alarm in case of wrong password.

Code Report